Share Article via Email

This feature allows your users to share knowledge base articles with others via email.



PHPKB knowledge management software facilitate your users to share an article with friends via email which opens the door for your business to find more leads that want your products or services. The emails are not considered spam because they are being forwarded by trusted friends and would help the potential customers to see how their friends are using and benefitting from your products.

Most Emailed Articles Report

PHPKB knowledge base software generates the most mailed articles report to let you know which type of articles your users are interested, giving you scope of improvement.

Most Emailed Articles Report

How to Enable Email to a Friend?

"Email to Friend" feature can be enabled from "Article Options" settings available under "Article Settings" as shown in the screenshot below. To enable the feature, mark the check box available with the setting.

Email to Friend Setting

Once enabled, an email to friend button appears on article page in front end.

Email to Friend Button

How Email Article Feature Works?

Users can click the email to friend button and a dialog box with Email Article to a Friend form appears where they can enter their friend's details and forward an article link to a Friend through e-mail.

Email to Friend Dialog

Apart from "email article to friend" feature, PHPKB knowledge base software also offer plenty of social sharing options for end users to share your knowledge base content and spread word on social media.

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Whether you are looking for an in-house solution OR a cloud-hosted knowledge management tool, PHPKB knowledge base software offers enterprise-class features with pricing that can fit a small business budget.

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