The goal of search is to get users to relevant content. Global search feature of PHPKB knowledge base is useful because users get the desired results instantly. The search is useful when users don't want to filter the results and need to perform a search in a broader way.
Global search can be launched from any place in back-end. Global search overrides filter-specific search and allows relevant pieces of content, mainly those that lack accurate categorization, to show up in your results. This occurs because the search scans the entire contribution, and not just small portions. It has the ability to find matches to any word in the search term in any field. Matches can include inflectional words like contribute, contribution, or contributing.
When a user performs a global search, he is shifted to advance search page where he can narrow his search through filter options.
Whether you are looking for an in-house solution OR a cloud-hosted knowledge management tool, PHPKB knowledge base software offers enterprise-class features with pricing that can fit a small business budget.
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