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Features of WYSIWYG editor

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

PHPKB knowledge base software provides a powerful WYSIWYG editor with supported features to format your content just like MS-Word. Articles and News can be created using WYSIWYG editor in the knowledge base. This editor is more stable, user-friendly, and feature-rich as compared to other editors. Apart from the default formatting features of the WYSIWYG editor, we have implemented some custom features to make the content authoring experience even better.

Features of the WYSIWYG editor are classified into two parts:


  1. Edit: The drop-down list includes undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, and more.
  2. Insert: You can insert video, image, link, date/time, special characters, and more using this feature.
  3. View: You can show invisible characters (enter, tab, etc) or block, preview article, display full screen, etc.
  4. Format: With this, you can format text as bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, etc.
  5. Table: You can insert a table by specifying the number of columns and rows.
  6. Tools: This includes the HTML source code of the content of the article.
  7. Add-ons: You can insert objects, PDF files, article templates, youtube videos, link articles, create QR Codes, etc.


A toolbar is a place where you can find most of the editor features. Each feature can be activated through a widget like a button or a list box. These features are grouped together and each group is separated from one another using enclosed tabs. Refer table displayed below for the description of these features.

Icons Description
Used to undo or redo the most recent action taken.
Used to print or preview the article.
Used to change the text color or background color of selected text.
Use it to insert emoticons/view the HTML source of the article.
Displays dotted-frames around the block-level elements of the page along with their HTML tag/ Insert Non-breaking spaces
Insert or edit link/image/video respectively.
Insert Objects(Note, information box, warning box etc)/ PDF files/ Link articles/ Article templates/You tube video/ add syntax highlighter/ create QRcode.
It formats the text as a heading, align, inline text, etc.
It formats text as bold/ italic/ underlined.
Changes the font family of selected text.
Changes font size of the text.
Sets the text alignment as left, center, right or justified.
Create a bulleted or numbered list.
Increases or decreases the indentation of a list item.
  • Applicable To: Standard Edition, Standard (Multi-Language) Edition, Enterprise Edition (MySQL), Enterprise Multi-Language Edition (MySQL), Enterprise Edition (SQL Server), Enterprise Multi-Language Edition (SQL Server)
Features of WYSIWYG editor