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Popular Categories

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The report displays a list of popular categories arranged in descending order according to the count of the total views of articles posted under these categories. Expand "Statistics" section in left navigation bar and click on "Categories" link. Category statistics page will display; click on "Popular Categories" tab to view the most popular categories report. In ML editions, the report displays the categories of the particular language only i.e. language selected in language drop-down. To view the most popular categories in other languages, choose the respective language from the language drop-down available on the right-hand side of the screen.

This page contains two parts:

  1. The right side of the page shows a bar graph representation of the categories as shown below:
    • The X-axis of the bar graph represents the serial ID of the category in the knowledge base.
    • The Y-axis of the bar graph represents the count of the number of category views corresponding to the ID. Category views are the total views of all the articles posted under that category.
    • You can place the mouse pointer on any bar to view its corresponding ID and count of category views.
  2. The left side of the page shows a tabular representation of the categories as shown below:
    • ID: This column displays the auto generated serial ID of the category in the knowledge base.
    • Name: This column displays the name of the category in the knowledge base. You can click on the name to view its details.
    • # Views: This column displays the total count of hits corresponding to the category in descending order. The most popular category is listed on the top and the least popular at the bottom.
    • Both private and public categories combinedly are listed on the page.
  • Applicable To: Standard Edition, Standard (Multi-Language) Edition, Enterprise Edition (MySQL), Enterprise Multi-Language Edition (MySQL), Enterprise Edition (SQL Server), Enterprise Multi-Language Edition (SQL Server)
Popular Categories