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Ajay Chadha

Ajay Chadha

Ajay Chadha is the founder and CEO of PHPKB – a leading knowledge management software used by large and medium-sized enterprises. Empowering individuals and teams to harness the power of knowledge through practical and innovative approaches to knowledge management. Every day, we help companies scale their customer support & onboard their employees 2x faster.

PHPKB Accessibility

PHPKB is a modern browser-based knowledge base software and help-authoring documentation tool used by software companies all over the world to create online user manuals, help files, knowledge bases, FAQs, tutorials and publish them instantly in... Read More

ISO 639-1 Standard Language Codes

Here is a list of the ISO language codes that conform to the ISO 639-1 standard, complete with two-letter country codes where relevant. You can see the language code next to the language name in the list below. The highlighted rows (marked in bold... Read More

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