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Gurjeet Kaur

Gurjeet Kaur

My Articles

Users can expand "My Articles" link under Articles section of left navigation bar to view their own articles to update them. 'My Articles' page will be displayed which contain several columns as shown in the figure below: ID: This column displays... Read More

Inserting an image into WYSIWYG editor

PHPKB allows users to insert or edit an image to an article using WYSIWYG editor. Click Insert/edit image icon displayed in WYSIWYG editor (highlighted in the screenshot above) to add or edit an image. When you click this icon, it will pop-up a... Read More

Article Referrers

Article referrer’s statistics show from where the request for article pages of your knowledge base has been originated. This feature lets you know which search engines are sending traffic to your knowledge base, for which keywords and which... Read More

Importing data from an HTML file

Superusers can use "HTML Import" module to import the HTML documents as articles in your knowledge base. It is an optional module available as a paid add-on to PHPKB knowledge base software. Refer instructions below to understand how this module... Read More

Collaborating on an article

Article Collaboration allows admin users to share their views, ideas, opinions & comments in the form of notes with other admin users in order to refine the content of an article. The intent of this collaboration is to polish the articles and to... Read More

Article Interface in Front-end Area

Article page displays the details of an article like title, content, article ID, rating, date and time of last update, the name of author, date and time of publishing, categories under which article is filed, user comments, attached files, comments,... Read More

Autosaved News Drafts

PHBKB Knowledge base provides you with the feature of "Autosaved Drafts" under News section. It auto saves a copy of news at regular interval of time so that even in case your computer crashes or connection is lost, you will still have a draft... Read More

Subscribing to a category

Users subscribed to knowledge base categories are Category Subscribers. They are notified when an article is added to the subscribed category. Click Subscribe link available on category page as shown in the figure below for subscribing to... Read More

Managing Subscribers

Users who have subscribed for various categories are Category Subscribers. Superusers can view and manage these subscribers from admin section. Expand "Categories" section under left navigation bar and click on "Subscribers" link to open... Read More

Sending reply to a ticket

Click "Reply Back" option from Actions column of Open Tickets page under Tickets section of left navigation bar. You can send reply for the ticket and/or publish it as an article in the knowledge base. Title: Enter the title that will be... Read More

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