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Palwinder Singh

Palwinder Singh

Palwinder possesses a unique combination of technical expertise, writing ability, and problem-solving skills. Being the lead software architect, he has strong project management skills, as well as experience in creating user-friendly, intuitive software interfaces and the ability to design complex systems.

SSO integration using AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito is a managed authentication and authorization service that provides seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) integration for your web and mobile applications. Here's a high-level overview of setting up SSO integration using AWS Cognito: 1.... Read More

Configuring Google as an OAuth Provider in PHPKB

Configuring Google as an OAuth Provider in PHPKB Knowledge Base Software is a process that enables users to log in to PHPKB using their Google credentials. This can be a convenient and secure way for users to access the system, as it eliminates the... Read More

How to bulk load users into the knowledge base?

There is a facility to bulk load (import) users in your knowledge base powered by PHPKB Software. You can bulk import users into PHPKB through the CSV Import section that can be accessed via: Admin Dashboard > Tools > Import Data > CSV... Read More

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