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Palwinder Singh

Palwinder Singh

Palwinder possesses a unique combination of technical expertise, writing ability, and problem-solving skills. Being the lead software architect, he has strong project management skills, as well as experience in creating user-friendly, intuitive software interfaces and the ability to design complex systems.

Featured articles not showing up as Featured

Problem We have 12 articles marked as Featured. But when I go to our home page and click to see Featured articles, I only see 5. Solution You may need to adjust a setting to display the desired number of articles on the Home page. Here are the... Read More

Uploading multiple files at once

PROBLEM: I am attempting to get a large handful of articles. But I am finding this to be a very daunting task. I need to be able to upload a lot of files at once to an article "Multiple File Uploads" can this be done somehow? SOLUTION: Under... Read More

MySQL server has gone away

This issue usually encounters when max_allowed_packet has very low value than the data you submitted via query. This can be fixed by increasing max_allowed_packet variable value so it is recommended to edit this variable through /mysql/bin/my.ini ... Read More

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