Expand "Category" in Statistics section of left navigation bar to view reports related to the knowledge base categories. By default, the Summary screen will be displayed which contains statistics related to various aspects of categories in both tabular and graphical form. The donut charts available on screen are shown below:
Private/Public: This donut chart shows the count of private and public categories in the knowledge base. One portion of donut depicts the number of private categories and other portion shows the count of public categories. When you move the mouse pointer on the portion, the count value is displayed along with the type of category.
Visible/Hidden: This donut chart shows the count of hidden and visible categories in the knowledge base. The categories which are not visible in the front end are hidden categories and which are visible to the users are visible categories. You can place the mouse pointer over the portion to see the count value of the respective type of category.
Parent/Sub-Categories: This donut chart shows the count of parent and subcategories in the knowledge base. The root categories who don’t have any parent are called parent categories and sub-categories should have any category as their parent. You can place the mouse pointer over the portion to see the count of the respective type of category.
The left side of the page shows a tabular representation of categories as shown below:
Total Number of Categories: This field displays the total number of categories in the knowledge base.
Public: This field displays the total number of public categories (visible and hidden) in the knowledge base.
Private: This field displays the count of the total number of private categories (visible and hidden) in the knowledge base.
Visible: This field displays the count of the total number of visible categories (public and private) in the knowledge base.
Hidden: This field displays the count of the total number of hidden categories (public and private) in the knowledge base.
Parent: This field displays the count of the total number of parent categories in the knowledge base.
Sub Categories: This field displays the count of the total number of sub categories in the knowledge base.
Most Popular: This field displays name of the most popular category i.e. a category which has been viewed the maximum number of times. You can click on the name of the category to view its details and its sub-categories.
Least Popular: This field displays name of the least popular category i.e. category with the minimum number of views. You can click on the name of the category to view its details.
Total Subscribers: This field displays the total number of subscribers associated with categories.
Article ID: 110
Created: August 9, 2016
Last Updated: August 2, 2017
Author: Gurjeet Kaur [gurjeet@phpkb.com]