What is new in PHPKB 6 knowledge base software?

It gives us immense pleasure to proudly announce the release of ’PHPKB 6’, the latest version of our knowledge base software. Our developers have been hard at work improving ’PHPKB’, the leading knowledge base software. The new version, PHPKB 6, is smarter, faster and incorporates literally hundreds of the latest "Performance Tweaks" to speed up and make your knowledgebase management experience like never before. It is completely redesigned to make it more user-friendly and includes several new features that most of you were asking for. In short, PHPKB 6 is all about maximizing your productivity and making your customer support easier.

What’s new in PHPKB 6?

Knowledge Base Software

Article ID: 13
Created: November 6, 2009
Last Updated: January 6, 2010
Author: Ajay Chadha [support@phpkb.com]

Online URL: https://www.phpkb.com/kb/article/what-is-new-in-phpkb-6-knowledge-base-software-13.html