How often are product updates released?

Product updates (which include bug fixes) are generally released every 4-8 weeks. Product upgrades (which include new features) are generally released every 2-6 months. When you purchase our knowledge base software, you are entitled to free product updates (bug fixes) for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. After this, you can optionally pay to extend your maintenance period.

All license purchases include support and upgrades free for one year. Please note that you are under no obligation to pay for future support and upgrades, you own your license, it is only if you want the support and upgrades at the end of your free year.

You can download product updates from the customer area.

Article ID: 23
Created: September 1, 2011
Last Updated: July 23, 2021
Author: Ajay Chadha []

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