Configuring Custom SMTP Server for Email Notifications

To ensure prompt and reliable delivery of notification emails in PHPKB, you can configure custom SMTP server settings. This is particularly useful if you experience issues with email delivery using the default SMTP configuration.

Steps to Configure SMTP Server Settings:

  1. Access SMTP Server Settings:

  2. Locate Mail Server Settings:

  3. Configure Custom SMTP Server:

  4. Save Changes:

  5. Test Email Delivery:

Default SMTP Configuration:

By default, PHPKB uses the SMTP settings specified in the php.ini configuration file. If no custom SMTP server is configured, PHPKB relies on these default settings for email delivery. Configuring a custom SMTP server can help resolve delivery issues and ensure that notifications are sent promptly and reliably.

Article ID: 396
Created: May 16, 2024
Last Updated: May 16, 2024
Author: Ajay Chadha []

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