Here is a list of facts to consider before buying a knowledge base software other than PHPKB. So, before you decide to select some other knowledge base system, please make sure to check if it really stands in comparison to PHPKB and it offers the following benefits and features.
PHPKB Knowledge Base Software offers all of the features mentioned above. We are quite sure that you won't be able to find any other knowledge base software that is as feature-rich, secure and user-friendly as PHPKB and that too at a price you can easily afford.
After considering all the above facts, a wise person would immediately make a smart move and order PHPKB knowledge base software. Improved navigation, plenty of hints, solid and intuitive user interface turns working with this application very easy even for beginners.
For more information about the features of our knowledge base software, please see the features list To know more about product pricing or buy a license of the knowledge base software, please see the price list If you have any questions and would like to speak with one of our expert sales representatives, please contact us.
Whether you are looking for an in-house solution OR a cloud-hosted knowledge management tool, PHPKB knowledge base software offers enterprise-class features with pricing that can fit a small business budget.
Purchase NowSome of the world's best companies proudly use PHPKB knowledge management software.